Should Your Local Clinic Accept Guest Posts?

Nov 11th 2020

Should Your Local Clinic Accept Guest Posts?

Guest posting is a popular link building/marketing strategy. However, if approached the wrong way, it can have some serious consequences for not just your website, but your entire brand. But when we think of guest posts, we mostly think about pitching them – not accepting them.

Is it worth it? What does it entail? Furthermore, is there anything you need to be wary of?

In this article, we’ll answer all of those questions, and more.

Let’s get started.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting (also known as guest blogging) refers to writing high-quality content for blogs or websites that are not your own – without any direct monetary incentive. 

With guest posting, you can:

  • Distribute your content across the internet
  • Potentially acquire quality backlinks for your website
  • Reach a broader audience and establish thought leadership

Beware: Offering low-quality, unoriginal content to a lot of website, although technically counts as guest posting, is considered a spammy practice. This can negatively impact your SERP (search engine results page) rankings.

Top Reasons to Accept Guest Posts from Other Writers

Here are a few reasons why site owners/web masters should accept guest posts:

  • More Content for Your Blog – offering guest posting opportunities to guest writers diversifies the content on your own site and increases your credibility.
  • Attract More Referral Traffic – when guest writers share their content on your website, you get a share in their authority, drive more organic traffic, and boost your search engine rankings.
  • Expand Your Network – guest posting is a mutual growth strategy. It allows both, the writer and the host to share each other’s already existing online communities to build relationships and access new audiences.

Should Your TMS Clinic Accept Guest Posts?

You can easily establish a guest post submission platform on your TMS clinic website, but that doesn’t mean you should. 

Unlike other SEO/content marketing efforts, accepting guest posts isn’t hard work. However, it is only effective when you have a strategy in place. 

Before you open the gates to your blog and start publishing content developed by third-party writers, do the following:

  1. Define Your Goals and Create Your Strategy Accordingly

Above all, you need to start by asking the question, how will my TMS clinic benefit from guest articles?

There are a number of reasons why you can allow guest authors to write for your website. However, picking your specific reason/goal for accepting guest writers and building a marketing strategy around it is the best way to move forward. 

  1. Give Others a Reason to Pitch Their Content

It is important to remember that a guest blogger are pitches a piece of content for your website for a reason – their own visibility. 

Therefore, before you start accepting guest blog posts, you need to build up a high authority/DA (domain authority) in order to attract quality writers – otherwise you’ll have to deal with sub-standard content creators, most of which would probably link back to shady websites.

However, if you have a small business and it’s in the startup phase, and you have a relatively low DA website, there are certain things you can do to attract quality writers, such as featuring the best content on your homepage, having a decent email marketing/content promotion strategy (more on that later). 

  1. Create Strict Guest Posting Guidelines

Once you decide to allow guest posts on your website, you’ll need to address a lot of questions in the minds of those willing to write great articles for you. 

You can simply do that by creating a template with clear guidelines for guest post pitches. In this template, you’ll specify things like the type of content you want (for example, a how-to guide or a case study), the word count, the preferred style of writing, and what you are offering the guest writer in return (such as an author bio, anchor text/backlinks, etc.). 

Furthermore, you can also modify that template/guest post guidelines, pair it with the list of reasons to write for your blog, and send it as an outreach email to relevant industry influencers and marketers, inviting them to write for you. 

  1. Create a Strategy for the Promotion of Guest Posts

Apart from your expectations as a blog owner, you also need to consider the guest writer’s expectations from a guest blogging site. 

Therefore, it is wise to specify how you will promote the guest post in order to encourage writers to take your guest blogging opportunity seriously. 

For example, if you have a strong social media following, you can display your subscribers count or the number of shares you get on average. 

Remember – a good guest post is as important as your own blog post. You’ll need to put your best digital marketing strategy in place in order to cash on the full potential of the guest post and in turn boost your google search engine results page rankings. 

Final Thoughts

Accepting guest posts, when done right, can do wonders for your TMS clinic’s website – especially if you’re a relatively new player. 

All it takes is assessing the needs, figuring out your goals, and developing an overall effective marketing strategy – before you turn your TMS clinic website into a guest posting site.

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